Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Vita in Firenze

      So I have come to realize that I haven't written a whole bunch on my observations of daily life in Florence. Of course, you can't really characterize everyone's days as the same; this city is just filled with too many diverse people. I can tell you about it from my point of view though. For me, this week so far, life has been a little slower than the first 3 weeks, mainly because I am done with my language class and this past weekend I was in Amalfi and then Monday had literally nothing to do. I ran some errands, found a new friend and acted as tour guide all day. For the last two mornings, I've gotten up, showered and hustled over to the train station to catch bus 17 to my internship. On my first day yesterday, I was here for a total of 2.5 hours. Not too shabby eh? Especially since some of my classmates are already working 9 hour days. In a way, I'm envious. There isn't much for me to do just yet and I'm trying to make the most of it and going above and beyond. My assignment is slightly narrow though. Obviously, since I'm blogging from the office. Thank goodness I got my laptop back. It makes life so much easier.
     What I've observed of daily life around here is simple. The workers of the city get up in the morning and make their way to work, either by car, train, bus or their trusty feet. When I leave around 9:30 in the morning, there are people everywhere. And you can tell who the locals are. They are walking with determination and know how to best use the side streets. The tourists are the ones who look completely lost and are wandering around with a map. I try to help give directions if I can manage it but usually just let them fend for themselves. The best way to learn your way around a city is to get lost in it. That's what I did. I still do =). Oh and breakfast over here is a huge part of the morning routine. It is very rare that an Italian eats breakfast at home. Usually it's a shot of espresso or cappuccino or some other coffee drink and a pastry whilst standing at the bar at the local pasticceria. That's what I did this morning when my bosses got in and said "ok we go to eat!" then around the evening when everyone is off of work, everyone just walks around. It truly is a walking city. I mean yes, there are those who get around by other modes of transportation but the streets are so small and crowded that it's just easier to walk. And if you walk fast and know where you're going, it doesn't take long to get anywhere. I believe I made it home in like 20 minutes last night because I FINALLY figured out the most direct route from one of our favorite hangouts back to my place. Thank goodness too... I was dead tired.
    Ok that wasn't much of an observation buuut it's all I've got. Sheesh I need to sleep more. Yes Mommy you're right.... =)

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