Wednesday, February 25, 2015

A Random Thought

"It sounds like a cliche but I also learnt that you’re not going to fall for the right person until you really love yourself and feel good about how you are." - Emma Watson

This is a phrase that I've carried with me for a while, but recently saw it from Ms. Watson on either Pinterest or Tumblr (I'm such a sucker for quotes on there...I go looking when I'm feeling down). It's an important phrase and an important message. It's one that I know a lot of people struggle with. There's no way in hell you can fully fall in love with someone else until you fully fall in love with, and are comfortable with, yourself. I've watched friends and acquaintances alike jump from relationship to relationship, changing and morphing into who they think they should be, without ever truly being happy and just being themself. I think that's why I've been single most of my 26 years on this earth. It's also why my sister is married...she learned to love herself early on and was lucky to find a man who loved her just as much.

I can't say that I am completely at ease with myself but I'm nearly there. I also know when I need to focus on myself and how much level of crap I can deal with. Someone asked me last year why I wasn't dating anyone and I responded "I have enough on my plate with just me...there's no way I can handle someone else." And that's okay. I had a rough few months last year that really made me look at myself and what I was doing. And I think I'm ready for whatever comes now. I got through it myself, with family and friend support of course, but I did it for me, not anyone else.

Anyways, just had some thoughts on this and I've decided to write whatever I want now, no matter how long or short.

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