Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Itch to Write

Today is Sunday and its' generally chore day for me. I get a bit lazy when it comes to putting away my laundry, so what usually happens is that I have a hamper of clean clothes and a hamper of dirty clothes. And I eventually run out of clothes in my drawer so I dump all of my clean clothes on my bed and go on a laundry organizing spree. I put my iTunes on shuffle and have a solo dance party.

Also, last fall I was out shopping with a friend and came across this cute black notebook with a detailed hand drawn on the front and on a whim, I bought it. On the inside cover, I wrote, also on a whim, The Art of Random Thoughts. The first page is filled with designs for the seven tattoos I want (yes, truly....) and then the next is titled Quotes. I've been writing down quotes I like whenever I come across one. Incidentally, this notebook is now a permanent fixture in my bag, along with a pen I really like (I'm one of those weirdos who actually has a pen preference.)

So the two came together today, with my listening party going, folding laundry and Anna Nalick's "Breathe" came on. And there's a line in there that's always struck me and I finally made the connection to it. It goes "If I get it all down on paper/it's no longer inside of me/threatening the life it belongs to." THAT is how I feel sometimes. I get something in my head and I just have to write about it. I obsess about it until I get it out. And then I'm better. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Writing is totally therapeutic. It's amazing. I'm not musical by any stretch of the imagination but I kind of know how songwriters must feel in this sense...they have a song in them that needs to get out. But then they record it and if it makes their album or someone's album, they have to hear it constantly. I can just go back and peruse at leisure if I want.

Anyways...that was my itch to write. An itch to write about the itch to write. That must be some sort of meta.

Happy Sunday ! :)

Oh here's that notebook....

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