Friday, January 23, 2015

An Observation (it's a long one)

So, I started reading through my previous blog posts and realized that I only write when I'm sad, mad or frustrated. I need to change that. And I need to write more, as it's probably the most therapeutic thing you can do. That was the idea behind this blog at the start - to get all of the jumbled thoughts in my head OUT and onto "paper." I was cleaning my room the other day, like really cleaning it and I found old journals that I had written in, dating from 2000-2002. Yeah, I found my junior high diaries. And while I won't go into what they said (silly, pre-teen angsty stuff), I smiled at the fact that my writing style hasn't changed much. But I need to write about happy things again.

So happy things:


My cousin had a baby girl and she's the sweetest thing alive. She looks like a doll and has the name of a warrior princess, Vivienne Athena. My cousin and her husband have wanted a child for so long and she's just perfect. I'm so happy she's here! AND she's getting another cousin. My other cousin, already mommy to the Sass Master Miss Ruby, is having another little girl! YAY babies! They most certainly make the holidays a much better time.

My sister got engaged. I know, weird. My baby sister, aged 21 got engaged to the absolute love of her life. And boy is he a hoot. My new brother-in-law (they got married, but more on that later because I'm nit-picky and trying to go in chronological order) is hilarious, kind, funny, generous, caring, hard working and most of all, a damned saint to spend the rest of his life with my crazy, but amazing, sister. They got engaged the day after their birthdays (two days and two years apart....their Gemini household is going to be something interesting) and his family is now our family and it's all happy :).

My cousin Giusy married her love and we got to back to visit our family in Italy. YAY! It had been four years since I was in Italy, and I don't need to reiterate how much I love that damn country. But family visits are different. They're full of lunch and dinner dates with a different family every day. My dad has a crazy amount of cousins over there and they're all within 5 square miles. We don't eat out when we go there. We don't even cook for ourselves. We'd get yelled at if we did. We, as the four of us, got to spend an amazing 10 days over there and catching up and bonding with our awesome family, language barrier be damned. I finally got to meet my little cousin Giuliana and laugh at her crazy antics. I got to hug my great aunts again, which I treasure SO much because I have no idea what will happen before the next time I get to go back. My heart was bursting so much over there. I didn't want to leave.

I was maid of honor for one of my very best friends and we had an AWESOME bachelorette for her. We headed up to Napa with a party bus and spent the day wine tasting. We went to a gorgeous winery called Castello di Amarosa, which looked a hell of a lot like the medieval castle my cousin in Italy had her reception at. Delicious wine, gorgeous scenery and a fun group of gals. I also got to spend the next day, her birthday, with my friend, doing what we love, watching baseball at a sports bar in Palo Alto. She lives out in Vegas and I don't get to see her much, so it was fun to spend time with her. And gear up for her wedding (more on that later).

I got a new job. FINALLY. I was in the retail mobile tech industry for 2.5 years and that was probably a year too long. It got bad at the end. Like anxiety ridden days where I struggled to get myself to work. BUT happy thoughts...I found a new place. I now work at Cal State Channel Islands, doing administrative work and a teensy bit of event planning for the biology, chemistry and geology programs. Now, if you know me, you'll know that I am downright awful when it comes to science. I was always more english/poli sci/history minded. But I'm happy again. I go to work with a smile on my face again. It had been a long time since I've done that.

My best friend got married and I was her Maid of Honor. I gotta say, for my first time being a bridesmaid, it was crazy fun. We had a great bachelorette in September and she got married at this gorgeous venue in Vegas. The morning of the wedding was probably the most relaxed I've ever seen a bride and it was so much fun getting ready and dressed in the gorgeous suite she had for the day/night. The wedding party was a hoot, the groomsmen wore soccer shoes and the reception was a blast. And the best part was that my best friend married the love of her life. I remember asking him how he was doing at one point and he looked at me and said "I don't like dancing, I hate being the center of attention and I really don't like big parties. But, I love her" with a giant smile on his face.
He's definitely a keeper.

Also in November: A very good friend (I just call him my cousin to make it easier) got married to his amazing wife in a gorgeous wedding up at the Natural History Museum in Santa Barbara. I LOVE outdoor weddings. They're breathtaking. Also, we spent Thanksgiving with more familyfriends and the next day celebrate the marriage of one of their sons as well. It was a really busy weekend.

Holidays, holidays, a little bit of work, and more holidaaaaays! But basically gear up for my sister's wedding. We had a rough start to December with the passing of a very good friend (I mentioned him in a previous post, Alan) and thus spent a lot of time with that part of our familyfriend circle. But it was comforting. I love those people. I have more friends that I can count as family than I do actual family. And I have a LOT of blood related family. But Christmas was spent with my aunt, uncle, cousins and their little families. We're growing! Togetherness is an amazing feeling.

So that was 2014. It was a hell of a year. And thus far, 2015 has been as well and we're only 23 days in. Whew. Here's to more happy times in 2015!

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