I get into a mood every once in a while, when I peruse Facebook and look up old high school classmates or community college classmates to see where they are in their lives (ahh the beauty of FB and its non-communicating communication abilities). It gets me thinking about the time in my life when I met them, when it seemed that I was around them every day and couldn’t remember what life was like before meeting them. It was my daily routine. Natural to me to see them and talk to them and to know little details of their lives. Now, it’s me looking at big happenings in their lives because it shows up on the newsfeed. I’ll admit it, I’m a curious Facebooker. I like to look into pictures. It makes me smile and happy to see people I once knew so well doing so well in their lives.
Another component of looking at their lives now and wistfully looking back is to show myself how far I’ve come and what I’ve done over the last few years of my life. I know I’ve talked about this before, but I still can’t believe how much life has changed over the last 5 years. Five years ago, I was embarking on my last semester of high school. Oh my goodness. Now that feels like forever ago. That’s right, my five year reunion is technically this June. Do we need one? Hell no. Our generation is different from our parents in that if you have the tiniest desire to keep slightly in touch with high school classmates, you can, as I mentioned before. If our parents lost touch of a classmate, well then it’d take a miracle to find them again. Or Facebook if they’re tech savvy, which most of them are. My dad got on Facebook and promptly was found by at least 20 old high school classmates. I wish I could have been a fly on a wall in his high school days, and my moms. Just to see what they were like. If I was anything like them. I think I was like my mom. Bookish and sweet. Not too many friends and not part of the in crowd but not a total wall flower either.
Anyways I’m getting off track. I tend to do that with these posts. As I was saying, I’m nostalgic. High school nostalgic, community college nostalgic and even a little SJSU nostalgic. That part of my life was so recent and ended even more recent that I really haven’t had a chance to get nostalgic. Although this past summer definitely lends itself to that. I think it’s because the people I surrounded myself with over the summer are so far flung from me now. I Skyped this morning, while getting ready for work, with a friend in England, who is coming back to the states in two days to stay with his girlfriend, another friend we hung out with over summer. Another girl wrote on my wall saying she missed me. That’s what got me thinking. So thank you Kimmy & you’re beautiful too J. Then I started looking at old high school classmates. And most of my high school classmates were also my junior high and elementary school classmates. How strange that I don’t talk to really any of them. I see that a lot of them still do see each other often and it makes me wonder what life would be like if I had too.
Oh well. Here’s to being nostalgic J.