Since starting this blog, I've begun to write blog posts in my head...but by the time I get around to actually posting them, in my mind, it's off. The timing isn't right anymore. Most of the time I abandon the unwritten post and convince myself that it was one topic that the virtual world just wasn't ready for. But this one...this one I want to post. But I need to set it up. See, right now it is 10 p.m. but I started writing this post in my head around 5:45 p.m. And the time matters for this post. A lot can happen in 24 pretend you're reading this as if I posted at, oh say 6:15 p.m. today. Not 10ish.
5:45 p.m. on April 5, 2010 I was walking from campus to the light rail station, marveling at how much had happened in the last 24 hours. 24 hours ago, I was sitting at a kitchen table, enjoying an Easter bbq with a friend and his family. Easter has been a little different the last 2 years for me. Last Easter, I spent with my cousin and her fiancee at his grandma's house. A new sort of family if you will. I did this because I had to work the day before and could not make it home for Easter. The first holiday away from my parents. It was strange. This year I did make it home, but lo and behold, my parents are out of town. For good reason and I know they're having a blast. But it just so happened that this would be the year for my aunt's family and my family to just decide to do....nothing. Not really any celebration as a family. My family had my aunt and uncle over for Palm Sunday dinner the week before, so that was our psuedo Easter dinner.
Anyways, I'm getting off track. 24 hours ago...sitting, laughing, talking, playing games. 24 hours from right now (10:05) I was watching a comedian's standup that my friend insisted I watch. And well I laughed so hard I'm pretty sure I got a good ab workout. Went home...packed a little more (it's amazing how far my stuff spreads when I come home for a week) and try to get some sleep. Wake up at 6 a.m. today (I swear I've been awake longer), Skype with mom and dad, assure them I'll be safe driving in the torrential rain (p.s. California......what the heck?). Say good bye to my sister as she goes off to school, pack up my car, drive 5 hours in rain and sunshine (bipolar state....I swear). Get back to the house up north, shower, dig out my school things, catch the train and boom I'm at school like it's just a normal day. And now, finally, I'm lying in bed as I type this and can't wait to fall asleep. Maybe dream of 24 hours ago when I was still at "home". Reality bites sometimes.
It's all about going from the familiar and comfortable to the less-familiar and starting to get comfortable. I kind of surprise myself with how easily I switch from being at home me to being school me. At home me knows all the roads and knows where all my friends live and I enjoy the suburban lifestyle. School me knows my way around the city and takes public transit to school and walks around like I am not afraid of some crazy person trying to preach to me about Jesus and such. But all in all, I'm just one me....just different sides of me in different places. I don't even know where public transit is at home. But it's a way of life up here. Sometimes I worry that I can't be both and that I'll have to choose.
Ok that is all for now. I am closing my eyes and going to sleep. It's going to be great. Just remember how much can happen in 24 hours...